Our Calling
We are called to be big enough to do God's work, and small enough to know you. Here are the core values that help us in this sacred mission:
A Welcoming Church Family
Our church is a place for all to feel at home and be welcomed, celebrated, and loved. As an affirming congregation, members and guests come as they are, to gather without judgment. We work to know each other and bring those in our communities, near and far, into the arms of our congregation.
Giving From Our Hearts
By working together, we care for others. Summers full of music, pizza, and fellowship allow us to support regional organizations that lift up those in need. In fall, winter, and spring, our congregation continues to share time, talent, and treasure. God works through us and our mission partner organizations to “multiply our loaves and fishes.”
Worshipping With Joy
We gather formally and informally to worship our amazing God. Prayer, scripture, and a lot of music spread the peace of Christ in our lives, our community, and our world. Our spirit spontaneously bubbles over as we share our joys and struggles with each other and God.
Grounded and Growing in Christ
We are disciples of Jesus for today. We grow in our relationships with Christ as we learn, study, and worship together. We share the Good News by connecting members of all ages, from the very young to the very old.
(recommended by the Cross Roads team and approved by the Consistory, November 2018)